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I've always worked hard but my money hasn't...


I come from a background where money wasn't really spoken about.  We didn't have much of it and it was always a contentious issue.


No one taught me about investing, being savvy with my spending or building wealth. 


After almost a decade working in banking and finance, I've learnt what works and what doesn't.  From working in the UK's central bank to managing investments of the ultra wealthy - I've learnt a thing or two about managing your money well. And now it is my turn to share it with you!


I also got to see first hand the gap between male and female finances. Something which angered me and made me want to make a change.


I founded sqhermile to close every gap; the pay gap, the wealth gap, the pension gap, the investment, the everything gap.  You work hard but your money needs to work even harder.


This isn't a place where you will get told to stop living.  You won't be told to stop spending. You will be encouraged to work and play hard ... but have your money working harder in the background. 


Together we will close those gaps.






Despite being a qualified investment advisor, this page will never constitute financial advice.  It is informative only.  If you do not feel confident making your own financial decisions then please consult a financial advisor.


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